Seleksi AFS/YES Bina Antarbudaya 2016-2017 [PART 1]
Oh well, I never thought that this experience will make it into my blog. But, whatever, I'll share my experience anyway.
So, there's a student exchange program held by Bina Antarbudaya, an independent company of culture learning in Indonesia. This exchange program was held annually and yes, it's a popular program.
For more details,
google it yourself (sorry, I'm just to lazy to copy all the text and edit it again). Meh, it's an overrated program anyway, you'll surely get the information easily. (Yes, IT IS OVERRATED. Banget.)
Petualangan dimulai dengan aku, Om (Zhafran), Yolanda, Fina, dan Aryo yang berangkat bareng buat beli PIN. Yes, we reserved the train tickets by ourselves and wander around Gubeng Station like a bunch of lost puppies. Well, not really, if you have money and taxi driver to count on. We made our way to the official building of Bina Antarbudaya chapter Surabaya and bought PIN for 50k for our registration.
Let's just get to the point, okay? The D-Day of the first AFS/YES test.
Tes diselenggarakan di Universitas 17 Agustus, a.k.a UNTAG.
Beberapa hari sebelumnya, aku sibuk nyari temen buat berangkat bareng ke UNTAG. Kenapa? Soalnya gak ada yang bisa nganterin. Papi kerja dan Mami+Adek lagi liburan di Malang. Jadi, ya, harus berangkat sendiri. Bukan masalah, sih. But this is SURABAYA, Man! We're talking about second largest city in Indonesia, a big city with complicated routes.
I have the insecurity of getting lost in a town as big as Surabaya. With no one to count on (Dad's busy and Mum's away, I don't have enough credit in my phone to contact my relatives in Surabaya), I searched for friends to accompany me.
Terus akhirnya janjian sama Fina-Nindi kalau kita bakalan berangkat bareng. Mesti mbonceng Fina coz dia gak bisa naik sepeda motor. Ada 3 temen cewek lain dari sekolah yang ikutan berangkat bareng. Jadi, total 6 cewek pergi ke UNTAG naik sepeda motor.
Six chicks with five motorcycle. Phew. At least we don't look like cabe-cabean.
The test start at 7 a.m (as written on the announcement) and all the participant should come 1 hour before which means we should be there at 6 a.m.
6 A.M.
tulisan sengaja digede'in biar dramatis
Jadi akhirnya kita janjian ngumpul di Alun-alun pukul 5 pagi. Aku pikir BinBud benar-benar strict, ketat dan tepat waktu, jadi sebisa mungkin aku mau datang on time. Berangkat dari rumah pukul 4.45 you know. -_____- Jalanan masih gelap dan angin malam masih berhembus dengan dinginnya.
Yang pertama sampai di Alun-Alun ya aku sama Fina (karena tadi berangkat dari rumah langsung njemput dia) dan belum ada siapa-siapa disana -____- #facepalm.
Padahal satu-satunya orang di rombongan yang tahu jalan ke UNTAG ya cuma aku seorang. Yang butuh panduan jalan mereka tapi mereka gak on time. Hahahaha. Kezel.
Setelah menit demi menit menunggu, puluhan misscall, dan ujung-ujungnya angry rants of me (ya siapa sih yang gak anxious nunggu di tempat umum while dikejar waktu dan langit makin terang aja tiap menit), kita akhirnya berangkat.
Semua baik-baik saja..... sampai akhirnya kita nyasar.
Well, toh juga ujung-ujungnya sampai di UNTAG sih. Ya, setelah tanya-tanya penduduk sekitar.
(None of us could read a GPS Map properly.....)
And I was so happy to park my motorcycles. Such a bliss to arrive there after a long morning. Not to mention that I was being extremely nervous because it's already past 6 and I was afraid that we're going to late. Meh, there's a lot of students still lingering around UNTAG at that time.
There's like tons of people there! Crowdy banget. Dan disana ketemu 'lumayan' banyak orang-orang yang aku kenal. Entah itu dari SMP atau SMA.
Some of them may know that I'm there, but I don't greet them unless we made an eye contact. And it's just a simple greeting, just a smile and a nod will do. Unless they're the one to strike conversation first, I won't talk.
Because I'm already in a bad mood.
Pakaian yang aku pakai hari itu.... terasa sangat asing. I'm not that type of girl that can rocks every skirt. I'm best fitted with ballerina or that type of skirt that 'flare'. Not the straight one.
I look like a punk wearing skirt from behind. I told Fina about this and she eventually agree.
I found out that I'm on the same class with Farah, my 91 friend from junior high school. and two of my friends from the science class.
Oh, and I wonder, how people look at me that day. Because all day, I put on my 'poker face',
Yes, I show no emotion to everyone that day. Well, but people always claimed that my so called poker face is more fitted to 'i-dont-give-a-single-fuck-and-why-do-i-have-to-be-here face'.
Hm.... I wonder?
Dan akhirnya, tes baru dimulai pukul 8. Sempet mangkel juga dibagian ini. What was all the fuss about? That adrenaline of chased by time? My mood turned really bad.
Tes pertama = tes pengetahuan umum. Ada soal-soal yang bisa aku jawab, ada juga yang saking gak tahu akhirnya counting on my luck doang.
I was hesitating at the question of 'who is the current Russia's president'. I have to choose between two answers, and then I choose..... Dmitry siapaa gitu. A few days later, I read on newspaper that the person I choose is Russia's Prime Minister and I should've chosen the other one. Sucks.
And I've made predictions already that Science-related-question will be my weakness. And yes, especially in Physic and Chemistry.
There's a question; "Dari tabel unsur periodik, manakah yang bukan unsur alami?"
and my reaction when I saw that question;
Anyway, I have to count on my luck on that. I choose randomly.
It really IS a General Knowledge test, as it revolves around economy, politics, history, physics, music, basically; everything's there.
And then, the second test; English.
It was divided in three section; reading comprehension, grammar, and vocab.
Buat aku soalnya gak susah. Jadinya aku lebih cepet selesai. Sisa waktu tes Bahasa Inggris aku pakai buat tidur LOL. Untung aja kursiku pas disamping tembok. Jadi ya, yaudah, tutup kertas, nyandar ke tembok, dan tewas. HAHAHA. Aku tahu kalau kakak-kakak yang jaga ruangan sempet ngelihatin tapi cuek aja lah wkwkwk. Bodo amat. Capek nih habis nyasar.
Akhirnya aku bangun 15 menit sebelum tes selesai. Nungguin 15 menit rasanya lamaaaa banget. Tapi ya gimana lagi, mau tidur juga gak bisa coz it's pretty much a quality nap WAKAKAK. Jadi aku nyoret-nyoret kertas soal pakai Hanzi, Hangul, Hiragana. Basically, I just poured out my fangirling side there. I wrote '去你生日快乐 黄子韬' well, and another rants about how I really love EXO-M.
Dan di masa-masa aku ngantuk, lagu + koreo Miss A - Only One keputer terus di otak. Especially that reff part '다른 남자 완 달라! 너를 사랑해 싫어!'. So I danced. In my mind.(pertanda harus cepet-cepet nge-cover nih)
Dan akhirnya istirahat! Woohoo. I decided to left my tumblr inside my bag and instead, brings my phone with me.
Dan ternyata selama istirahat, seluruh ruangan tes dikunci -___- Haus banget, jadi terpaksa ngemis air ke Fina (Tapi Fina baik banget mau bagi-bagi air minum, thanks Fina!) Cewek yang duduk di sebelahku waktu tes juga pengen ngambil HP tapi gak bisa. Akhirnya kita berdua duduk bareng nunggu di depan ruangan tes.
Dan akhirnya, gunung penghalang terakhir.
The essay test was hilarious!
I choose the second topic (which later I discovered that it's the one that people rarely use for their essay). It's about '3 biggest mistakes you've committed in your live and how you solve it and what did you got from it'.
They gave us 3 papers. One is the rules and the list of the topics, the second one is the folio paper for the essay, and the last one is the scribbling paper that we used to design our essay first.
By the way, I use full Koreans there in my scribbling paper. and hanzi. I'm being dead serious right now. I even wrote 난 여기서 진짜 스님 것같아요. In a real big font. I wonder if this scribbling papers receives big attention from the jury? Will they understand what I wrote there?
And my essay actually sucks. I don't think it has exceed 500 words just like the requirements. My handwriting is fat, and I just realized it in the middle of writing. So on the next page, I wrote as tiny as I can.
And instead of inspiring people, I think I'm nagging there. Yeah. I feel old.
Most fun part of the day is after the test ends.
Di lobby UNTAG, ada banyak booth-booth asik buat dikunjungi.
Ada handwriting analysis (ini mau banget nyoba, tapi antrinya panjang pwol), tes minat dan bakat (udah nyobain tapi hasilnya gak keluar-keluar -___-), games, Tarot! (ini malah lebih kejam lagi.... pake sistem booking..... malah lebih lama antrinya), em......... trus apa lagi ya. Lupa.
Ada dua pilar yang dipakai buat nempel-nempel sticky note yang isinya harapan-harapan gitu. Macam gembok cinta Namsan lah. Aku akhirnya ngambil satu kertas warna merah buat ditulisi harapan...... semoga terwujud (walaupun nempelnya di pilar.... lol)
Setelah cukup lama di UNTAG, akhirnya kita pulang.
Tell me, is it just me, atau emang kalau dari Surabaya ke Sidoarjo itu rasanya gampang banget?? Like, tinggal lurus ke arah Selatan, yaudah nyampe. Rute dari Sidoarjo ke Surabaya itu lho, ribet banget, maunya apa, huh.
E tapi maklum sih. Emang 'belum' hafal jalanan di Surabaya.
Sayang kita pulang bertepatan sama jam pulang kantor. Jadi sempet kejebak macet; stuck di lampu merah yang sama 3 kali.
Pulang-pulang, nyampe rumah langsung tepar WAHAHA.
Tanggal 19 Mei, aku buka LINE dari laptop dan nangkring di group chat kelas. Anak-anak pada mbahas 'pengumuman', dan akhirnya aku baru inget kalo 'WEH IYA SEKARANG PENGUMUMAN TAHAP 1 YA'
Langsung loading situs.
Hasilnya..... keterima.
Reaksi: Oh.
Beda lho ya sama speechless (which is bisa saja kehabisan kata-kata karena terlalu senang atau terlalu kecewa); ini skeptis. Ya nggak seneng, gak juga kecewa. Alias, gak ngerasain emosi apa-apa.
Habis lihat pengumuman dan koar-koar di grup, aku tinggal tidur. Yaudah gitu aja.
Blog post ini lebih condong ke pengalaman, bukan informasi.
Mau cari informasi tentang tahap pertama tes such as contoh soal-soalnya, mekanisme tes, et cetera?
Cari di blog lain.
Blog saya anti-mainstream.
Well, tapi sepertinya aku bakalan memberikan beberapa informasi penting di postingan kedua nanti.
So, there's a student exchange program held by Bina Antarbudaya, an independent company of culture learning in Indonesia. This exchange program was held annually and yes, it's a popular program.
For more details,
google it yourself (sorry, I'm just to lazy to copy all the text and edit it again). Meh, it's an overrated program anyway, you'll surely get the information easily. (Yes, IT IS OVERRATED. Banget.)
Petualangan dimulai dengan aku, Om (Zhafran), Yolanda, Fina, dan Aryo yang berangkat bareng buat beli PIN. Yes, we reserved the train tickets by ourselves and wander around Gubeng Station like a bunch of lost puppies. Well, not really, if you have money and taxi driver to count on. We made our way to the official building of Bina Antarbudaya chapter Surabaya and bought PIN for 50k for our registration.
Let's just get to the point, okay? The D-Day of the first AFS/YES test.
Tes diselenggarakan di Universitas 17 Agustus, a.k.a UNTAG.
Beberapa hari sebelumnya, aku sibuk nyari temen buat berangkat bareng ke UNTAG. Kenapa? Soalnya gak ada yang bisa nganterin. Papi kerja dan Mami+Adek lagi liburan di Malang. Jadi, ya, harus berangkat sendiri. Bukan masalah, sih. But this is SURABAYA, Man! We're talking about second largest city in Indonesia, a big city with complicated routes.
I have the insecurity of getting lost in a town as big as Surabaya. With no one to count on (Dad's busy and Mum's away, I don't have enough credit in my phone to contact my relatives in Surabaya), I searched for friends to accompany me.
Terus akhirnya janjian sama Fina-Nindi kalau kita bakalan berangkat bareng. Mesti mbonceng Fina coz dia gak bisa naik sepeda motor. Ada 3 temen cewek lain dari sekolah yang ikutan berangkat bareng. Jadi, total 6 cewek pergi ke UNTAG naik sepeda motor.
Six chicks with five motorcycle. Phew. At least we don't look like cabe-cabean.
The test start at 7 a.m (as written on the announcement) and all the participant should come 1 hour before which means we should be there at 6 a.m.
6 A.M.
tulisan sengaja digede'in biar dramatis
Jadi akhirnya kita janjian ngumpul di Alun-alun pukul 5 pagi. Aku pikir BinBud benar-benar strict, ketat dan tepat waktu, jadi sebisa mungkin aku mau datang on time. Berangkat dari rumah pukul 4.45 you know. -_____- Jalanan masih gelap dan angin malam masih berhembus dengan dinginnya.
Yang pertama sampai di Alun-Alun ya aku sama Fina (karena tadi berangkat dari rumah langsung njemput dia) dan belum ada siapa-siapa disana -____- #facepalm.
Padahal satu-satunya orang di rombongan yang tahu jalan ke UNTAG ya cuma aku seorang. Yang butuh panduan jalan mereka tapi mereka gak on time. Hahahaha. Kezel.
Setelah menit demi menit menunggu, puluhan misscall, dan ujung-ujungnya angry rants of me (ya siapa sih yang gak anxious nunggu di tempat umum while dikejar waktu dan langit makin terang aja tiap menit), kita akhirnya berangkat.
Semua baik-baik saja..... sampai akhirnya kita nyasar.
Well, toh juga ujung-ujungnya sampai di UNTAG sih. Ya, setelah tanya-tanya penduduk sekitar.
And I was so happy to park my motorcycles. Such a bliss to arrive there after a long morning. Not to mention that I was being extremely nervous because it's already past 6 and I was afraid that we're going to late. Meh, there's a lot of students still lingering around UNTAG at that time.
There's like tons of people there! Crowdy banget. Dan disana ketemu 'lumayan' banyak orang-orang yang aku kenal. Entah itu dari SMP atau SMA.
Some of them may know that I'm there, but I don't greet them unless we made an eye contact. And it's just a simple greeting, just a smile and a nod will do. Unless they're the one to strike conversation first, I won't talk.
Because I'm already in a bad mood.
Pakaian yang aku pakai hari itu.... terasa sangat asing. I'm not that type of girl that can rocks every skirt. I'm best fitted with ballerina or that type of skirt that 'flare'. Not the straight one.
I look like a punk wearing skirt from behind. I told Fina about this and she eventually agree.
I found out that I'm on the same class with Farah, my 91 friend from junior high school. and two of my friends from the science class.
Oh, and I wonder, how people look at me that day. Because all day, I put on my 'poker face',
Yes, I show no emotion to everyone that day. Well, but people always claimed that my so called poker face is more fitted to 'i-dont-give-a-single-fuck-and-why-do-i-have-to-be-here face'.
Hm.... I wonder?
Dan akhirnya, tes baru dimulai pukul 8. Sempet mangkel juga dibagian ini. What was all the fuss about? That adrenaline of chased by time? My mood turned really bad.
Tes pertama = tes pengetahuan umum. Ada soal-soal yang bisa aku jawab, ada juga yang saking gak tahu akhirnya counting on my luck doang.
I was hesitating at the question of 'who is the current Russia's president'. I have to choose between two answers, and then I choose..... Dmitry siapaa gitu. A few days later, I read on newspaper that the person I choose is Russia's Prime Minister and I should've chosen the other one. Sucks.
And I've made predictions already that Science-related-question will be my weakness. And yes, especially in Physic and Chemistry.
There's a question; "Dari tabel unsur periodik, manakah yang bukan unsur alami?"
and my reaction when I saw that question;
Anyway, I have to count on my luck on that. I choose randomly.
It really IS a General Knowledge test, as it revolves around economy, politics, history, physics, music, basically; everything's there.
And then, the second test; English.
It was divided in three section; reading comprehension, grammar, and vocab.
Buat aku soalnya gak susah. Jadinya aku lebih cepet selesai. Sisa waktu tes Bahasa Inggris aku pakai buat tidur LOL. Untung aja kursiku pas disamping tembok. Jadi ya, yaudah, tutup kertas, nyandar ke tembok, dan tewas. HAHAHA. Aku tahu kalau kakak-kakak yang jaga ruangan sempet ngelihatin tapi cuek aja lah wkwkwk. Bodo amat. Capek nih habis nyasar.
Akhirnya aku bangun 15 menit sebelum tes selesai. Nungguin 15 menit rasanya lamaaaa banget. Tapi ya gimana lagi, mau tidur juga gak bisa coz it's pretty much a quality nap WAKAKAK. Jadi aku nyoret-nyoret kertas soal pakai Hanzi, Hangul, Hiragana. Basically, I just poured out my fangirling side there. I wrote '去你生日快乐 黄子韬' well, and another rants about how I really love EXO-M.
Dan di masa-masa aku ngantuk, lagu + koreo Miss A - Only One keputer terus di otak. Especially that reff part '다른 남자 완 달라! 너를 사랑해 싫어!'. So I danced. In my mind.
Dan akhirnya istirahat! Woohoo. I decided to left my tumblr inside my bag and instead, brings my phone with me.
Dan ternyata selama istirahat, seluruh ruangan tes dikunci -___- Haus banget, jadi terpaksa ngemis air ke Fina (Tapi Fina baik banget mau bagi-bagi air minum, thanks Fina!) Cewek yang duduk di sebelahku waktu tes juga pengen ngambil HP tapi gak bisa. Akhirnya kita berdua duduk bareng nunggu di depan ruangan tes.
![]() |
Masih sempet selfie walau tenggorokan kering. B612 JJANG! lol. |
Dan akhirnya, gunung penghalang terakhir.
The essay test was hilarious!
I choose the second topic (which later I discovered that it's the one that people rarely use for their essay). It's about '3 biggest mistakes you've committed in your live and how you solve it and what did you got from it'.
They gave us 3 papers. One is the rules and the list of the topics, the second one is the folio paper for the essay, and the last one is the scribbling paper that we used to design our essay first.
By the way, I use full Koreans there in my scribbling paper. and hanzi. I'm being dead serious right now. I even wrote 난 여기서 진짜 스님 것같아요. In a real big font. I wonder if this scribbling papers receives big attention from the jury? Will they understand what I wrote there?
And my essay actually sucks. I don't think it has exceed 500 words just like the requirements. My handwriting is fat, and I just realized it in the middle of writing. So on the next page, I wrote as tiny as I can.
And instead of inspiring people, I think I'm nagging there. Yeah. I feel old.
Most fun part of the day is after the test ends.
Di lobby UNTAG, ada banyak booth-booth asik buat dikunjungi.
Ada handwriting analysis (ini mau banget nyoba, tapi antrinya panjang pwol), tes minat dan bakat (udah nyobain tapi hasilnya gak keluar-keluar -___-), games, Tarot! (ini malah lebih kejam lagi.... pake sistem booking..... malah lebih lama antrinya), em......... trus apa lagi ya. Lupa.
Ada dua pilar yang dipakai buat nempel-nempel sticky note yang isinya harapan-harapan gitu. Macam gembok cinta Namsan lah. Aku akhirnya ngambil satu kertas warna merah buat ditulisi harapan...... semoga terwujud (walaupun nempelnya di pilar.... lol)
Setelah cukup lama di UNTAG, akhirnya kita pulang.
Tell me, is it just me, atau emang kalau dari Surabaya ke Sidoarjo itu rasanya gampang banget?? Like, tinggal lurus ke arah Selatan, yaudah nyampe. Rute dari Sidoarjo ke Surabaya itu lho, ribet banget, maunya apa, huh.
E tapi maklum sih. Emang 'belum' hafal jalanan di Surabaya.
Sayang kita pulang bertepatan sama jam pulang kantor. Jadi sempet kejebak macet; stuck di lampu merah yang sama 3 kali.
Pulang-pulang, nyampe rumah langsung tepar WAHAHA.
Tanggal 19 Mei, aku buka LINE dari laptop dan nangkring di group chat kelas. Anak-anak pada mbahas 'pengumuman', dan akhirnya aku baru inget kalo 'WEH IYA SEKARANG PENGUMUMAN TAHAP 1 YA'
Langsung loading situs.
Hasilnya..... keterima.
Reaksi: Oh.
Beda lho ya sama speechless (which is bisa saja kehabisan kata-kata karena terlalu senang atau terlalu kecewa); ini skeptis. Ya nggak seneng, gak juga kecewa. Alias, gak ngerasain emosi apa-apa.
Habis lihat pengumuman dan koar-koar di grup, aku tinggal tidur. Yaudah gitu aja.
Blog post ini lebih condong ke pengalaman, bukan informasi.
Mau cari informasi tentang tahap pertama tes such as contoh soal-soalnya, mekanisme tes, et cetera?
Cari di blog lain.
Blog saya anti-mainstream.
Well, tapi sepertinya aku bakalan memberikan beberapa informasi penting di postingan kedua nanti.
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